Year 1 Primrose 2024 - 2025
Mrs Ellam
Welcome to Primrose Class!
Teacher: Mrs Ellam Email:
TA's that support us: Miss Bebe, Mrs Hart and Mrs Harding
Other Teachers in Phase 1: Miss Holland
Reading books will be changed every Wednesday. Please ensure you are reading every night to help develop your child's fluency and understanding. Whenever you read at home, please make sure you are logging it in their new reading journal. We will sometimes recommend that your child keeps some books for a little bit longer to re-read to support their understanding and fluency.
Homework is sent out every Friday via your child's homework. This will alternate between Maths (basic number facts/number formation etc) and English (Read Write Inc phonics/ spellings/ handwriting etc.) each week. Homework is due back every following Thursday for a 3 dojo award.
Physical Education
PE takes place every Thursday and Friday and is delivered by our experienced CEPD coaches/ Tattenhall Park Primary staff. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is in every day as we may choose to have an additional PE lesson. Please see our PE timetable below.
Thursday- 10:40-11:40pm
Friday- 1:20-2:20pm
Dates For Your Diary
Phonics Screening Check- W/b 9th June 2025
Medium Term Plans
Please see the attachments below for an overview of our Medium Term Plan for this term.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Useful Website Links-
- Phonics lessons available at The videos use the same phonics scheme we use in school.
- Oxford Owl ebooks available at will be a great reading recource, especially if your child is reading colour banded books. You can search the library by level > book band to access books at your child's level. Create a log-in to access the online e-books.
- Parents can access WhiteRose at where they can find maths planning resources. They are also working on free packages in case of school closures that will include video tutorials and Premium content.
- TopMarks at provide a wide range of links to online maths games that are organised by age and maths topics.
- Parents can sign up for a free account at and access online maths games.
- Parents can sign up for a free account at where they can access comprehension and writing tasks that are linked to an image.
- provides support for early reading and phonics.
- provides a variety of creative writing stimulus including videos and images.
- have a range of phonics games for free.
- has a number of interactive geography-based games.
- provide a wide range of resources that can support most curriculum subjects.
- has a wide range of yoga and meditation videos for children.
- If you are looking for extra writing opportunites, is a fantastic picture based resource, that, when you scroll down, has suggested activites for your child to try at home. Search back and forth on dates to find older pictures that may enthuse your child further.
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