Year 3 Kingfishers 2024 - 2025

Miss Foreman

Hello and welcome to Kingfishers Class!

Teacher - Miss Foreman (

TA's in Phase 3 : Mrs Hart, Mrs Harling and Mrs Hughes

Other Teachers in Phase 3 : Mrs Downes and Mr Cragg


Important Information


Please encourage your child to read every day, whether it is their reading book, a recipe, a comic, information when you are out and about or anything that they enjoy reading. This should be logged in the blue homework diary. Once a book has been marked as completed in the homework diary, myself or Mrs Harling/Mrs Hart will change it the next day. Where possible please also try to ask children questions about the text they are reading in order to practise their comprehension skills as well as their verbal reading.


Homework is set on Fridays, all children will have a maths task and a SPAG task to complete. Any issues completing homework, please reach out before the Friday so that we can help!


Spellings will be sent out each Friday and are tested throughout the week in editing lessons. Each set of spellings will follow a particular rule i.e. 'ing' words. Please use the Spelling Menu below to find fun ways to practise spellings. In addition to this, there are plenty of games to practise spelling online such as 'TopMarks', 'Spelling City' and 'Spelling Games'. 


Times Tables

Your child will have a log in for both Times Table Rock Stars in the back of their homework books. It is expected that children do log on to these regularly to complete additional tasks to further consolidate their learning. Their TTRS login will also work for NUMBOTs, however, we would expect the children to be confident in this knowledge by now. 


PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is in school every day and they have clothes suitable for both indoor and outdoor lessons.


Please use the downloads at the bottom of the page to find out more about what we are learning in Year 3. 


Files to Download

The Tattenhall Time Machine backing track (1).mp3

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