Year 6 Oak Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Mason
Mrs Barton
Mr Cragg
Welcome to Oak Class 2024-2025
Year 6
Teacher - Mrs Barton
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Gibson & Mrs Tomlinson
The children in Oak class have a great curiosity and a readiness to learn. They are always kind, they always persevere and they always follow our school behaviour code.
They are excited for all of our learning this year and we feel very lucky to be able to share their final year here at Tattenhall Park Primary with them.
Please see our Meet the Teachers powerpoint linked below to find more information on rules, behaviour system, routines and timetables.
We will be hosting a SATS evening on 7th January 2025.
If your child has a tutor, please share the curriculum details below. We advise all tutors carry out their own assessments to ensure a tailored learning plan to meet the direct needs of your child; we are sure the tutors will be very familiar with the National Curriculum and White Rose Maths mastery curriculum that we follow here at Tattenhall.
Our Curriculum
Your child's teacher will be between Mrs Mason, Mr Cragg and Mrs Barton for Maths and English. Within our wider curriculum, we teach across both year 6 classes and the children are mixed each lesson.
Please see our curriculum topic web link to view our texts, units and wider curriculum learning this term.
Roles and Responsibilities
As role models within our school, we allocate Year 6 to take on roles which encourage indpendenence, organisation and accountability. These roles include E-Safety officers, Junior Road Safety Officers, School Councillors, PE Communications and many others. They also are buddied up with a Reception class member who they support and look out for throughout the year. We ensure each child has a role of responsibility and these alternate each half term/ term.
Homework and Spellings
Homework will be given every Friday. The purpose of homework is to embed any learning from the week before whilst training the children to have a disciplined attitude towards home learning in preperation for high school. We will be setting SPaG, Maths and Spellings each week. We do not wish homework to be a worry for anybody in the class so please let us know if there have been any issues or homework could not be completed for a certain reason; we can provide extra support if there is a lack of understanding also.
We will set spellings each Friday and tested the following Friday. The spellings set consist of spelling pattern rules or the Year 5/ 6 statuory spellings within the curriculum.
Children should also be reading frequently at home. In year 5 and 6 the children are encouraged to note down any effective vocabulary used in the book that they are reading so that it can be used in their writing.
PE Kit
PE kit must be in school every day of the week. Please ensure your child has an all weather PE kit including a thin waterproof or jumper and tracksuit bottoms. Please ensure they have trainers which fit them in order for them to participate in lessons the best they can.
Year 5/6 will be able to participate in Sports Events this year at Bishop Heber and schools across Chester. We will complete trials over a sequence of PE lessons before sending letters home.
Please know you can always contact us with any questions or concerns. You can email us, call the school office to speak to us or arrange an appointment to meet with yourselves.
Thank you for all of your support, always.
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