Our Curriculum

Please see file below for our whole school curriculum overview. 

Our Curriculum Intent

At Tattenhall Park Primary School, our ambitious and broad curriculum is embedded in story and embraces our locality. Our coherent, knowledge rich curriculum has been designed with the aim that all children will acquire key skills, essential knowledge and the values needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. Learning knowledge is not an endpoint in itself, it is a springboard to learning more knowledge. 

Our reading-rich curriculum, which enhances learning, supports the development of communication skills and results in the acquisition of knowledge which is retained, so that pupils know more, remember more and learn more. Developing the foundations in English, it then branches.

 The sequences of learning deliver the statutory elements of the National Curriculum. It is progressive and immersive; linking children’s learning to modern day through meaningful learning experiences. All concepts are revisited regularly to refine and embed understanding. We nurture learning behaviours that help the children to succeed whilst challenging them to think, question, reason and problem solve.

We aspire to create a learning environment where curiosity is celebrated, diversity is embraced, and excellence is attainable by all. Inclusivity is woven throughout our school and our school family.

We want our children to leave us equipped with the skills and motivation to contribute to the common good, address global challenges and flourish in a complex world. We strive to ensure every child succeeds on their own learning journey.

Together, we will shape the future leaders, thinkers, and innovators of tomorrow.


Our Curriculum Implementation

Reading and story-telling is at the heart of our curriculum. High quality, hybrid and fiction vehicle texts engage our children’s minds and draws them into a narrative. Processing information in this way makes learning more memorable and emotionally resonant. Stories have the power to evoke strong emotions and often lead to empathy, understanding and a deeper connection with the message being conveyed. By presenting information in a narrative format, it is easier for learners to remember complex concepts. Stories help children make sense of the world around them and find meaning in their experiences; often guiding individuals in their search for purpose and understanding.

 Each subject overview is underpinned by rich, substantive knowledge and ambitious vocabulary, whilst also ensuring children are developing their disciplinary knowledge and subject specific skills. Each unit of work is planned carefully to ensure concepts are taught in optimal order to support children's understanding and secure the essential learning outcomes.

Our vision, ‘Roots to grow, Wings to fly’ underpins many subject areas. Our ‘Roots to grow’ sit firmly in our own school and in the Parish’s own local context and history. Children learn an abundance of essential knowledge in the context of their locality and then continue to compare and contrast this knowledge as they fly to other parts of the world.

Knowledge organisers, aide-memoirs and opportunities to revisit prior learning exist to support, secure and consolidate prior learning so children can continue to build on strong foundations of understanding, recall understand and apply their learning in context. Golden threads lie throughout History and RE, whilst the sustainable UN development goals draw the context of our Geography learning together.

Due to the demographic of our school, we know it is vitally important to understand and celebrate the rich and diverse country and wider world. Our curriculum covers subjects such as Windrush, Black History and Slavery, Migration, A journey through world views and religions and the diversity which exists in all of us.

No Outsiders

At Tattenhall, we are proud to promote the teaching of No Outsiders where we establish clear links to our behaviour approach and school values. Our No Outsiders lessons sit within our personal development lessons with a weekly focus each half term on a key text. Direct teaching of the No Outsiders programme and the ethos of the school reinforce equality of opportunity: this supports children in fostering respect for all people regardless of faith, race, gender, age, disability and sexual orientation. Our children learn about rights and responsibilities and they appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.

We believe in every child’s potential. The curriculum is adjusted accordingly reflective of each learner’s needs, including disadvantaged and SEND children to ensure particular barriers are understood and there is equality for all. Equally we recognise the significance of challenge; enquiry questions throughout foundation subjects allow for children to generate further enquiry through exposure to different perspectives. The impact-a greater curiosity, a deeper, insightful curiosity and a readiness to learn independently.


Our Curriculum Impact

Our curriculum will nurture the full potential of the child and lead them to secure positive outcomes in readiness for the next step on their educational journey. In addition to the academic progress learners will make, no matter their starting point, children will produce high quality outcomes and participate in thought-provoking discussions where they are able to make sense of the world around them. The children will talk about how their learning is part of a ‘bigger picture’. Children will talk, listen to others and think for themselves. Pupils will reflect on moral choices and consequences; They will make progress in their learning, regardless of their starting points.

Together, we will shape the future leaders, thinkers, and innovators of tomorrow.








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